An Open Mobile Robot Platform designed for autonomous driving
with sufficient load weight, power, and mechanical expandability.

Development Platform with ROS Support
R1 supports ROS (Robot Operation System).
R1 User Case – Disinfection Robot
Use R1 to implement any type of service, give instructions and collect surrounding environment data transmitted by the robot.
Besides, we can provide you with a package solution that may include simultaneous localization
and mapping (SLAM), artificial intelligence, image recognition, etc. based on your requests.
R1 Is Fit For Those Who
are looking for a sufficient load weight, power, and mechanical expandability robot to implement ideas;
want to use the ROS package to implement ideas;
would like to use autonomous driving, SLAM, and other ways to implement ideas;
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Product Specification

Documents Support
R1 Program & firmware
R1 ROS support – OMOROS
R1 Manual v1.51